The Git & Github Bootcamp
14 👀
Harry Potter

Harry Potter

Jun 11, 2023

The Git & Github Bootcamp

Learn Git and Github with The Git & Github Bootcamp. Master the essentials and tricky aspects of version control, rebasing, merging, stashing, and more. Understand Git workflows, collaboration, and undoing changes. Host static websites and share code snippets using Github. Start mastering Git today!


What you'll learn

  • Comprehend how Git functions in the background
  • Make sense of the difference Git objects: trees, blobs, commits, and explained tags
  • Ace the fundamental Git workflow: adding and committing
  • Work with Git branches
  • Perform Git merges and resolve blend conflicts
  • Use Git diff to uncover changes over the long haul
  • Ace Git stashing
  • Undo changes utilizing git reestablish, git return, and git reset
  • Work with local and remote repositories
  • Ace collaboration workflows: pull requests, "fork and clone", and so forth.
  • Squash, tidy up, and modify history utilizing interactive rebase
  • Recover "lost" work utilizing git reflogs
  • Compose custom and strong Git assumed names
  • Mark deliveries and renditions utilizing Git tags
  • Have static websites utilizing Github Pages
  • Make markdown READMEs
  • Share code and snippets utilizing Github Significances



Fundamental PC abilities


The accompanying sentence is irritating, yet in addition valid: the best opportunity to learn Git was yesterday. Luckily, the subsequent best time is today! Git is a fundamental apparatus for work in any code-related field, from information science to game improvement to AI. This course covers all that you want to be aware to begin involving Git and Github in reality today!

The course's 20+ segments are separated into four separate units:

Git Essentials

Powerful Git

Github and Collaboration

The Tricky Bits

We get going with Git Essentials. The objective of this unit is to give you all the fundamental Git devices you really want for everyday use. We get going discussing form control programming, what it is, the reason it is important, and the historical backdrop of Git. Then, at that point, we introduce Git and go through the Unix orders you'll have to work with Git (you can skirt this assuming you're now natural). The greater part of this unit is centered around showing the center Git mechanics like committing and spreading and the related ideas: the functioning registry, the archive, the organizing region, and so on. We cover Git orders including: git init, git add, git commit, git status, git log, git branch, and git combine. We end with a definite gander at fanning, blending, and settling conflicts.

Then we continue on toward out Powerful Git unit, where we cover extra orders and Git ideas that are very helpful, yet perhaps not as "center" as the Git Essentials. We start with an extensive glance at the gif diff order and the different correlations that we can make between commits, branches, the functioning catalog, the organizing region, and that's just the beginning! We really focus on perusing and parsing the thick result created by diffs. Then we shift our concentration to stashing with the git stash order, a "comfort order" that numerous clients love integrating into their Git workflow. At long last, we jump profound into undoing changes and time traveling with Git. We figure out how to return to prior function, segregate and yet again join HEAD, and dispose of changes. We cover git orders that assist us with undoing changes including git checkout, git reestablish, git reset, and git return.

Following up, we switch gears to zero in on Github and Collaboration. We start by investigating Github (and comparable apparatuses) that have remote repositories and talking about the advantages they give. We make our own Github repositories and sync up changes between our remote and local repositories utilizing the git push, git pull, and git bring orders. We then, at that point, center around usually involved collaboration workflows that understudies might experience in reality: highlight fanning, pull requests, forking and cloning, from there, the sky is the limit! We examine adding to open source projects and arranging Github repositories for collaboration. We additionally invest some energy finding out about valuable Github highlights including Github Significances and Github Pages with the expectation of complimentary static hosting.

The last unit in the course, The Tricky Bits, is simply an assortment of valuable Git order and high level subjects. We start by covering one of the "more alarming" Git orders: rebasing! We examine the likely advantages and entanglements of rebasing and contrast it with blending. Then we figure out how to tidy up our Git history by rephrasing, altering, dropping, and squashing commits utilizing the interactive rebase order. Then, we examine Git tags (lightweight and explained tags) semantic versioning and labeling workflows. From that point forward, we continue on toward a profound jump into the inward operations of Git. We talk about the documents and envelopes Git utilizes inside, the job of hashing capabilities in Git, and the job of Git objects (blobs, trees, and so forth.). Then, we discuss reference logs and the git reflog order. In particular, we figure out how we can utilize reflogs to save "lost" commits and undo rebases. At last, we figure out how to compose custom and strong Git assumed names!

All through the course, you'll find tons and lots of outlines and visual references I've made to attempt to make sense of Git. The course additionally incorporates practices I've tried on my in-person understudies, to offer you a chance to rehearse the ideas in the course en route. Assuming that you are perusing this sentence, I praise you on making it this far :) I genuinely want to believe that you partake in the course!

Who this course is for:

  • Anyone with any interest in learning Git in any way :)
  • Anybody figuring out how to code or expecting to enter a tech field
  • Web designers, information researchers, computer programmers, versatile engineers, game designers, and so on.
  • Anybody who works with code or in a code-neighboring job



Colt Steele

Engineer and Bootcamp Educator

  • 4.7 Educator Rating
  • 465,472 Reviews
  • 1,507,792 Students
  • 25 Courses

Greetings! I'm Yearling. I'm an engineer with a serious love for educating. I've gone through the most recent couple of years training individuals to program at 2 different vivid bootcamps where I've assisted many individuals with becoming web engineers and completely change them. My alumni work at organizations like Google, Salesforce, and Square.

Most as of late, I drove Arouse's SF's half year vivid program as Lead Educator and Educational plan Chief. Subsequent to moving on from my group, 94% of my understudies proceeded to get full-time engineer jobs. I likewise worked at Udacity as a Senior Course Engineer in the web improvement group where I got to arrive at large number of understudies everyday.

I've since zeroed in my experience on bringing my study hall instructing experience to a web-based climate. In 2016 I sent off my Internet Engineer Bootcamp course, which has since proceeded to become one of the most mind-blowing selling and first class seminars on Udemy. I was likewise casted a ballot Udemy's Best New Educator of 2016.

I've gone through years sorting out the "equation" to showing specialized abilities in a homeroom climate, and I'm truly eager to at long last impart my skill to you. I can unhesitatingly say that my web-based courses are definitely the most complete ones available.

Go along with me on this insane experience!

4.8 course ratings 17K reviews

Mati M.

Rating: 5.0 out of 5 seven days prior


Extraordinary course!!I partook in the learning process.This course was enrching, proffesional, and pleasent to watch and practice.Thanks a Great deal!!



Daniel Diaz M.

Rating: 5.0 out of 5 3 weeks prior


I'm truly thankful for such a superb and complete course with every one of the required and helpful orders. I can now certainly say that I work easily with Git and GitHub. The course is well organized with all that you require. I enjoyed the activities provided for training to join prompt practice concerning the talks. The talks are fun and agreeable, and all the material is impeccably made sense of, making it truly simple for anybody to follow even any individual who doesn't realize anything about innovation could take this course and use it for rendition control for their own composition, for example, for composing a novel, a show, and obviously for coding, so it is certainly a supportive innovation in any event, for non-mechanical spaces that need to keep different variants of their turn out either for collaboration or for keeping their work hidden too. The course was astonishing and I'm genuinely thankful since it was truly useful for me as I'm essentially involving it for Information Science and web applications, yet in addition will begin involving it for composing on my own like a diary or a book. Ideally this audit can help anybody understanding it. I took as much time as necessary composing it since I am so thankful for taking this course, as to be sure was a point I delayed an excessive lot, yet is so essential. For my situation, I have been customizing for such a long time gambling losing such a lot of significant information, or basically losing potential for testing new potential courses without chance of deciphering my code, and this course shown me all I really want for covering those necessities. I can't suggest sufficient this course, and would aimlessly take one more course with a similar educator which makes the subject effectively absorbable in lumps, while carving out opportunity to furnish slides with noticed that will likewise save time. 5 stars... Gratitude for such a decent course.


Alina V.

Rating: 5.0 out of 53 weeks prior


Excellent course, Foal is an extraordinary educator. I prescribe this course to anybody who needs to gain Git&Github without any preparation.


Koate Vincent N.

Rating: 4.5 out of 5a month prior


I think the coarse is efficient. The teacher exhibits the greater part of the ideas utilizing genuine guides to help the understudy effectively comprehend what might some way or another would have been minimal difficult to get a handle on.

The Git & Github Bootcamp 


Ace the essentials and the tricky bits: rebasing, squashing, stashing, reflogs, blobs, trees, and more!


What you'll learn

  • Comprehend how Git functions in the background
  • Make sense of the difference Git objects: trees, blobs, commits, and explained tags
  • Ace the fundamental Git workflow: adding and committing
  • Work with Git branches
  • Perform Git merges and resolve blend conflicts
  • Use Git diff to uncover changes over the long haul
  • Ace Git stashing
  • Undo changes utilizing git reestablish, git return, and git reset
  • Work with local and remote repositories
  • Ace collaboration workflows: pull requests, "fork and clone", and so forth.
  • Squash, tidy up, and modify history utilizing interactive rebase
  • Recover "lost" work utilizing git reflogs
  • Compose custom and strong Git assumed names
  • Mark deliveries and renditions utilizing Git tags
  • Have static websites utilizing Github Pages
  • Make markdown READMEs
  • Share code and snippets utilizing Github Significances



Fundamental PC abilities


The accompanying sentence is irritating, yet in addition valid: the best opportunity to learn Git was yesterday. Luckily, the subsequent best time is today! Git is a fundamental apparatus for work in any code-related field, from information science to game improvement to AI. This course covers all that you want to be aware to begin involving Git and Github in reality today!

The course's 20+ segments are separated into four separate units:

Git Essentials

Powerful Git

Github and Collaboration

The Tricky Bits

We get going with Git Essentials. The objective of this unit is to give you all the fundamental Git devices you really want for everyday use. We get going discussing form control programming, what it is, the reason it is important, and the historical backdrop of Git. Then, at that point, we introduce Git and go through the Unix orders you'll have to work with Git (you can skirt this assuming you're now natural). The greater part of this unit is centered around showing the center Git mechanics like committing and spreading and the related ideas: the functioning registry, the archive, the organizing region, and so on. We cover Git orders including: git init, git add, git commit, git status, git log, git branch, and git combine. We end with a definite gander at fanning, blending, and settling conflicts.

Then we continue on toward out Powerful Git unit, where we cover extra orders and Git ideas that are very helpful, yet perhaps not as "center" as the Git Essentials. We start with an extensive glance at the gif diff order and the different correlations that we can make between commits, branches, the functioning catalog, the organizing region, and that's just the beginning! We really focus on perusing and parsing the thick result created by diffs. Then we shift our concentration to stashing with the git stash order, a "comfort order" that numerous clients love integrating into their Git workflow. At long last, we jump profound into undoing changes and time traveling with Git. We figure out how to return to prior function, segregate and yet again join HEAD, and dispose of changes. We cover git orders that assist us with undoing changes including git checkout, git reestablish, git reset, and git return.

Following up, we switch gears to zero in on Github and Collaboration. We start by investigating Github (and comparable apparatuses) that have remote repositories and talking about the advantages they give. We make our own Github repositories and sync up changes between our remote and local repositories utilizing the git push, git pull, and git bring orders. We then, at that point, center around usually involved collaboration workflows that understudies might experience in reality: highlight fanning, pull requests, forking and cloning, from there, the sky is the limit! We examine adding to open source projects and arranging Github repositories for collaboration. We additionally invest some energy finding out about valuable Github highlights including Github Significances and Github Pages with the expectation of complimentary static hosting.

The last unit in the course, The Tricky Bits, is simply an assortment of valuable Git order and high level subjects. We start by covering one of the "more alarming" Git orders: rebasing! We examine the likely advantages and entanglements of rebasing and contrast it with blending. Then we figure out how to tidy up our Git history by rephrasing, altering, dropping, and squashing commits utilizing the interactive rebase order. Then, we examine Git tags (lightweight and explained tags) semantic versioning and labeling workflows. From that point forward, we continue on toward a profound jump into the inward operations of Git. We talk about the documents and envelopes Git utilizes inside, the job of hashing capabilities in Git, and the job of Git objects (blobs, trees, and so forth.). Then, we discuss reference logs and the git reflog order. In particular, we figure out how we can utilize reflogs to save "lost" commits and undo rebases. At last, we figure out how to compose custom and strong Git assumed names!

All through the course, you'll find tons and lots of outlines and visual references I've made to attempt to make sense of Git. The course additionally incorporates practices I've tried on my in-person understudies, to offer you a chance to rehearse the ideas in the course en route. Assuming that you are perusing this sentence, I praise you on making it this far :) I genuinely want to believe that you partake in the course!

Who this course is for:

  • Anyone with any interest in learning Git in any way :)
  • Anybody figuring out how to code or expecting to enter a tech field
  • Web designers, information researchers, computer programmers, versatile engineers, game designers, and so on.
  • Anybody who works with code or in a code-neighboring job



Colt Steele

Engineer and Bootcamp Educator

  • 4.7 Educator Rating
  • 465,472 Reviews
  • 1,507,792 Students
  • 25 Courses

Greetings! I'm Yearling. I'm an engineer with a serious love for educating. I've gone through the most recent couple of years training individuals to program at 2 different vivid bootcamps where I've assisted many individuals with becoming web engineers and completely change them. My alumni work at organizations like Google, Salesforce, and Square.

Most as of late, I drove Arouse's SF's half year vivid program as Lead Educator and Educational plan Chief. Subsequent to moving on from my group, 94% of my understudies proceeded to get full-time engineer jobs. I likewise worked at Udacity as a Senior Course Engineer in the web improvement group where I got to arrive at large number of understudies everyday.

I've since zeroed in my experience on bringing my study hall instructing experience to a web-based climate. In 2016 I sent off my Internet Engineer Bootcamp course, which has since proceeded to become one of the most mind-blowing selling and first class seminars on Udemy. I was likewise casted a ballot Udemy's Best New Educator of 2016.

I've gone through years sorting out the "equation" to showing specialized abilities in a homeroom climate, and I'm truly eager to at long last impart my skill to you. I can unhesitatingly say that my web-based courses are definitely the most complete ones available.

Go along with me on this insane experience!

4.8 course ratings 17K reviews

Mati M.

Rating: 5.0 out of 5 seven days prior


Extraordinary course!!I partook in the learning process.This course was enrching, proffesional, and pleasent to watch and practice.Thanks a Great deal!!



Daniel Diaz M.

Rating: 5.0 out of 5 3 weeks prior


I'm truly thankful for such a superb and complete course with every one of the required and helpful orders. I can now certainly say that I work easily with Git and GitHub. The course is well organized with all that you require. I enjoyed the activities provided for training to join prompt practice concerning the talks. The talks are fun and agreeable, and all the material is impeccably made sense of, making it truly simple for anybody to follow even any individual who doesn't realize anything about innovation could take this course and use it for rendition control for their own composition, for example, for composing a novel, a show, and obviously for coding, so it is certainly a supportive innovation in any event, for non-mechanical spaces that need to keep different variants of their turn out either for collaboration or for keeping their work hidden too. The course was astonishing and I'm genuinely thankful since it was truly useful for me as I'm essentially involving it for Information Science and web applications, yet in addition will begin involving it for composing on my own like a diary or a book. Ideally this audit can help anybody understanding it. I took as much time as necessary composing it since I am so thankful for taking this course, as to be sure was a point I delayed an excessive lot, yet is so essential. For my situation, I have been customizing for such a long time gambling losing such a lot of significant information, or basically losing potential for testing new potential courses without chance of deciphering my code, and this course shown me all I really want for covering those necessities. I can't suggest sufficient this course, and would aimlessly take one more course with a similar educator which makes the subject effectively absorbable in lumps, while carving out opportunity to furnish slides with noticed that will likewise save time. 5 stars... Gratitude for such a decent course.


Alina V.

Rating: 5.0 out of 53 weeks prior


Excellent course, Foal is an extraordinary educator. I prescribe this course to anybody who needs to gain Git&Github without any preparation.


Koate Vincent N.

Rating: 4.5 out of 5a month prior


I think the coarse is efficient. The teacher exhibits the greater part of the ideas utilizing genuine guides to help the understudy effectively comprehend what might some way or another would have been minimal difficult to get a handle on.


Useful links:

  1. Git Documentation - Official documentation for Git, providing in-depth information on commands and workflows.
  2. Github Guides - Comprehensive guides and tutorials on using Github effectively for collaboration and version control.
  3. Git Branching Model - A popular branching model for Git that helps manage development workflows and releases.
  4. Semantic Versioning - A standard for versioning software releases, ensuring compatibility and easy understanding of version changes.
  5. Github Pages - Learn how to host static websites directly from your Github repositories using Github Pages.
  6. Git Aliases - Customize and create powerful shortcuts with Git aliases for common commands and workflows.
  7. Github Gists - Share code snippets, notes, and quick examples with others using Github Gists.

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Harry Potter

Harry Potter

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