The newline Guide to NFCs with React Native
30 👀
Harry Potter

Harry Potter

Oct 28, 2022

The newline Guide to NFCs with React Native

NFC technology is everywhere in our everyday existence, from transportation, access control, to payment framework. In any case, understanding NFC is as yet a hard theme as a result of its wide technology landspace. So in this course, We will guide you from the easiest case like utilizing normal NDEF format, the whole way to a complex digital identity the board app which use some novel NFC features.

NFC technology is everywhere in our everyday existence, from transportation, access control, to payment framework. In any case, understanding NFC is as yet a hard point in light of its wide technology landspace.

So in this course, We will guide you from the most straightforward case like utilizing normal NDEF format, the entire way to a complex digital identity the board app which use some exceptional NFC features.

What You Will Learn

  • The most effective method to coordinate NFC include into your React Native app
  • Step by step instructions to handle the distinctions among Android and iOS with respect to NFC highlight
  • Understand NDEF and use it across iOS and Android
  • Instructions to utilize NFC tags with profound connection
  • Understand low-level NFC programming and speak with NFC tags straightforwardly
  • The most effective method to utilize asymmetric cryptography library with React Native
  • The most effective method to utilize secret phrase protection commands from NTAG 21x NFC tags

What we will cover in this course

To begin with, I will give an outline of NFC technology, so you can understand fundamental ideas and terms. From that point forward, we will fabricate three apps all through this course.

App 1: Tag Counter

App 1 is a game app to count how long a client needs to check five NFC tags. You will learn:

step by step instructions to appropriately set up a NFC project

the most effective method to set off NFC filtering

the distinction from iOS and Android with respect to NFC highlight

App 2: Tap-and-Go

App 2 is about NFC Information Trade Format (NDEF), which is the standard NFC information format upheld by the two iOS and Android. NDEF can be utilized for practically any NFC tag. We will assemble a NDEF peruser essayist app, and you will learn:

step by step instructions to compose explicit NDEF URI into NFC tags

instructions to peruse NDEF URI and trigger comparing activities, for instance, opening a URL, settling on a telephone decision, or communicating something specific.

instructions to utilize profound connecting with NFC tags.

App 3: NFC Pokemon

App 3 plunges into low-level NFC programming, which straightforwardly controls the NFC tag's inward memory and utilizations restrictive NFC commands. The app we'll construct is designated "NFC Pokemon," which is a digital identity the board stage. It can seal a particular Pokemon, for instance, a Pikachu, into a NFC tag.

While building this app, you will learn:

  • the most effective method to utilize low-leve tag command to straightforwardly control NFC tag's interior memory
  • the most effective method to make digital signatures in React Native
  • instructions to utilize exclusive secret word protection command for NXP NTAG 213/215
  • Course Satisfied
  • 3 modules21 lessons3h 14m aggregate
  • Introduction
  • 2 lessons16m all out

Course Outline

Learn how to assemble versatile apps to connect with NFC tags


  • 5:40 minutes

NFC Introduction

NFC Introduction


  • 10:37 minutes

Tag-Counter Game App

  • 6 lessons50m complete

Tag Counter Game App


  • 1:41 minutes

NFC App Arrangement


  • 11:10 minutes

NFC Library Walkthrough


  • 7:42 minutes

iOS App


  • 10:03 minutes

Android App


  • 16:36 minutes

App1 End


  • 3:14 minutes

Tap-And-Go App

  • 7 lessons1h 4m aggregate

NfcPokemon App

  • 6 lessons1h 3m aggregate

Your Teacher


The fellow benefactor of revteltech (a software agency situated in Taiwan, Taipei, github organization name is "revtel")

Recently worked for Mediatek (No.1 Portable IC/central processor maker around the world) as software tech lead, center around availability advances like NFC and BLE

Make and keep up with the essential NFC library "react-native-nfc-manager" for React Native people group


👋 Greetings! I'm Richie, and I will be your educator during this course. I'm likewise the creator of the react-native-nfc-manager library, which has been generally embraced by individuals who foster NFC applications with React Native. I'm exceptionally happy to impart my insight to you!

Often Got clarification on some pressing issues

Who is this course for?

Everybody keen on building NFC app with React Native

Any Essentials?

Essential React Native information, and a cell phone with NFC highlight (iOS clients should select the Apple Designer Program on the grounds that NFC doesn't work in test systems) will be sufficient!

Where could I at any point get NFC tags appropriate for this course?

We pick NXP NTAG213 or NTAG215 for this course. They're modest and can be handily bought from places like Amazon

Consider the possibility that I really want assistance.

You can ask us inquiries whenever through the local area Strife channel or by sending us a message.


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Harry Potter

Harry Potter

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