The Web Developer Bootcamp 2023 (Colt Steele)
102 🔥
Harry Potter

Harry Potter

Jun 30, 2023

The Web Developer Bootcamp 2023 (Colt Steele)

10 Hours of React just added. Turn into a Developer With ONE course - HTML, CSS, JavaScript, React, Node, MongoDB and then some!


What you'll learn

  • The ins and outs of HTML5, CSS3, and Current JavaScript for 2021
  • Make Genuine web applications using cutting-edge technologies
  • Make responsive, accessible, and delightful layouts
  • Perceive and forestall normal security exploits like SQL-Injection and XSS
  • Proceed to learn and develop as a developer, long after the course ends
  • Make a blog application from scratch using Node, Express, and MongoDB.
  • Make a convoluted yelp-like application from scratch
  • Convey your applications and work with cloud databases
  • Make static HTML and CSS portfolio sites and landing pages
  • Have a similar outlook as a developer. Turn into a pro at Googling code questions!
  • Make complex HTML forms with validations
  • Execute full authentication from scratch!
  • Use CSS Frameworks including Bootstrap 5, Semantic UI, and Bulma
  • Carry out responsive navbars on websites
  • Use JavaScript variables, conditionals, loops, functions, arrays, and objects
  • Compose Javascript functions, and understand scope and higher request functions
  • Master the "weird" parts of JavaScript
  • Make full-stack web applications from scratch
  • Control the DOM with vanilla JS
  • Compose JavaScript based browser games
  • Use Postman to monitor and test APIs
  • Use NodeJS to compose server-side JavaScript
  • Compose complex web apps with different models and data associations
  • Compose a Genuine application using everything in the course
  • Use Express and MongoDB to make full-stack JS applications
  • Use normal JS data structures like Arrays and Objects
  • Master the command line interface
  • Use NPM to install a wide range of useful packages
  • Understand the ins and outs of HTTP requests
  • Make your own Node modules
  • Make a lovely, responsive photographer's portfolio page
  • Make a lovely, responsive landing page for a startup
  • Execute user authentication
  • Make a wonderful animated todo list application
  • Make single page applications with AJAX



Have a PC with Web

Be prepared to learn an insane measure of awesome stuff

Plan to build genuine web apps!

Prepare yourself for stupid jokes about my canine Rusty


Presently with north of 10 hours of React content. Just refreshed on May 15th, 2023.

Massive new React "expansion pack" covers: React basics, JSX, props, state, Vite, MaterialUI, hooks, useEffect, React design patterns, and the sky is the limit from there.

Howdy! Welcome to the spic and span version of The Web Developer Bootcamp, Udemy's most famous web improvement course. This course was just totally updated to plan students for the 2023 work market, with north of 60 hours of shiny new happy. This is the main course you really want to learn web advancement. There are a ton of options for online developer preparing, yet this course is for certain the most comprehensive and compelling available. Here's the reason:

This is the main Udemy course showed by a professional bootcamp instructor with a history of success.

92% of my in-person bootcamp students proceed to land full-time developer positions. Most of them are finished beginners when I start working with them.

The previous 2 bootcamp programs that I showed cost $14,000 and $21,000. This course is just as comprehensive however with spic and span content for a negligible part of the cost.

All that I cover is exceptional and pertinent to 2022's developer work market. This course does not compromise. I just spent 8 months re-trying this behemoth of a course!

We build 13+ projects, including a huge creation application called YelpCamp. No other course walks you through the making of such a substantial application.

The course is constantly refreshed with new happy, projects, and modules. Consider it a subscription to an endless supply of developer preparing.

You get to meet my cats and chickens!

While you're learning to program you often need to sacrifice learning the astonishing and current technologies for the "amateur agreeable" classes. With this course, you outdo the two worlds. This is a course designed for the total novice, yet it covers some of the most thrilling and significant topics in the industry.

All through the fresh out of the box new version of the course we cover tons of tools and technologies including:




Responsive Design

JavaScript (every one of the 2022 current syntax, ES6, ES2018, and so on.)

Asynchronous JavaScript - Promises, async/anticipate, and so forth.

AJAX and single page apps

Bootstrap 4 and 5



Bulma CSS Structure

DOM Manipulation

Unix(Command Line) Commands






SQL vs. NoSQL databases


Database Associations

Schema Design


Authentication From Scratch

Cookies and Sessions


Normal Security Issues - SQL Injection, XSS, and so on.

Developer Best Practices

Conveying Apps

Cloud Databases

Picture Transfer and Storage

Maps and Geocoding

This course is also extraordinary in the manner that it is structured and presented. Numerous online courses are just a long series of "watch as I code" videos. This course is unique. I've consolidated all that I learned in my years of educating to make this course more viable as well as seriously captivating. The course includes:





Research Assignments




An excessive number of pictures of my canine Rusty

Assuming you have any questions, please feel free to me. I got into this industry because I love working with individuals and assisting students with learning. Sign up today and see how fun, invigorating, and compensating web improvement can be!

Who this course is for:

This course is for anybody who wants to learn about web advancement, regardless of previous experience

It's ideal for complete beginners with zero insight

Also extraordinary for anybody does have some involvement with a couple of the technologies(like HTML and CSS) however not all

If you have any desire to take ONE COURSE to learn all that you really want to be aware of web improvement, take this course



Colt Steele

Developer and Bootcamp Instructor

  • 4.7 Instructor Rating
  • 468,597 Reviews
  • 1,519,045 Students
  • 26 Courses

Howdy! I'm Colt. I'm a developer with a serious love for educating. I've spent the last couple of years training individuals to program at 2 distinct immersive bootcamps where I've assisted hundreds of individuals with becoming web developers and completely change them. My graduates work at companies like Google, Salesforce, and Square.

Most as of late, I drove Arouse's SF's half year immersive program as Lead Instructor and Educational plan Chief. Subsequent to moving on from my class, 94% of my students proceeded to get full-time developer roles. I also worked at Udacity as a Senior Course Developer in the web improvement group where I got to arrive at thousands of students everyday.

I've since focused my experience on bringing my classroom instructing experience to an online climate. In 2016 I sent off my Web Developer Bootcamp course, which has since proceeded to become one of the most mind-blowing selling and first class courses on Udemy. I was also casted a ballot Udemy's Best New Instructor of 2016.

I've spent years sorting out the "equation" to showing specialized skills in a classroom climate, and I'm truly eager to at long last share my expertise with you. I can unhesitatingly say that my online courses are unquestionably the most comprehensive ones available.

Go along with me on this insane experience!


4.7 course rating 261K reviews

George V.

Rating: 5.0 out of 5 4 weeks prior


This is an amazingly comprehensive course. Following 20 years in the IT industry, I have learned an amazing sum from this course. Certainly suggested.


Christophe T.

Rating: 5.0 out of 5 a month prior


So I just finished the course and I need to say Extraordinary course! Very much structured, Ideal spot to start as a beginner.I took a ton of udemy courses and I need to say hands down to learn html, css, javascript, node, and more all along, having extraordinary understanding at the ending?You should accept this course! Colt is perhaps of the best instructor here on udemyhe explains all exhaustively and makes it easy to follow with exercises along the way.topics I was unable to understand before now clicked for me. The lessons are not exhausting yet captivating and a couple of days before he added react to it as well. In this crash course he explains most of the basics of react however ensure you understand different topics first.Also extraordinary exhortation to stick with one programming language and dont start blending yet become a specialist in one


Antonio Carlo S. A.

Rating: 4.5 out of 5 a month prior


Generally speaking the course was astonishing. Be that as it may, sometimes what the instructors say is unique. Like, 'We'll hit it up', 'We will make our own Programming interface', and 'We will make a limitless scroll and naturally get the data in yelp-camp(because we would rather not load every one of the campgrounds or posts at first, we need ten of it then, at that point, load other ten 10 when the user scrolls the page ', those are some, I can't recollect everything.But by and large it was an extraordinary course. It was astonishing, thank you for this course. It opens me to the advanced tech stack, I can use this course as my crucial.


Vagner A.

Rating: 5.0 out of 5 2 months prior


I truly partook in the experience, it was for sure testing in some parts however the difficult work pay off. This course is still refreshed in mid 2023 and every one of the tools turn out perfectily great, I think the biggest advantage of everything is that I feel

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Harry Potter

Harry Potter

Hey Guys We are Tech Enthusiasts and we know knowledge is key to success ! We are here to open path to your success by providing what you want. Today education == business. Our moto is education should be accessible by any person who is not able to purchase overpriced content.

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