TypeScript Simplified ( Web dev simplified )
10 👀
Harry Potter

Harry Potter

Nov 14, 2023

TypeScript Simplified ( Web dev simplified )

Learn TypeScript from scratch to mastery in just 5 hours! Join Kyle, a seasoned full-stack web developer from Web Dev Simplified, and gain expertise in building scalable projects. This concise course features 47 video lessons, exercises, and access to a vibrant community for assistance, boosting your coding skills effortlessly.

Meet Your Instructor

Hi, I'm Kyle 👋

I have been a full stack web developer for nearly a decade, but you most likely know me from my YouTube channel Web Dev Simplified which has over 1 million subscribers.

On YouTube alone my videos are viewed over 3 million times per month, and through my courses I have helped over 40,000 students increase their skills and land high paying jobs.


Just 3 simple steps to TypeScript mastery

Simple and stress-free

Step 1

Sign Up

Create an account in seconds to get instant access to the TypeScript training you have been waiting for

Step 2

Join The Community

Join the ever growing community of over 10,000 developers to access expert advice and support

Step 3

Raise Your Salary

Apply the concepts you learn to boost the number of interviews you land and skyrocket your salary


Start writing TypeScript in just 5 hours

No strings attached

Save Time

I spent years mastering TypeScript and condensed all of that knowledge so you can learn TypeScript in under 5 hours.

Spend Less

Everything you need to learn is included at an affordable price so you never need to spend money on another course.

Build Confidence

TypeScript doesn't have to scare you anymore. Build confidence in your skills by practicing with real world projects.

Stay Up To Date

You can count on TypeScript Simplified to keep you up to date with all the latest TypeScript features as they release.

Raise Code Quality

TypeScript code is easier to refactor, maintain, contains less bugs, and is less likely to have errors in production.

Earn More

TypeScript developers on average earn $17,000 more per year than JavaScript developers with the same experience level.


The secret to learning TypeScript

And it's all yours with TypeScript Simplified

Step By Step Video Lessons

Everything you need to learn TypeScript and build any project you can dream of in 47 easy to digest videos which amount to just under 5 hours of video content.

Every single video is also professionally captioned and these captions are searchable so you can easily find exactly what you are looking for without wasting hours re-watching videos.

Active Community

Join the active Discord community of over 10,000 developers, and utilize the knowledge of these experts and peers to answer your questions, get feedback, inspiration, and support.

Hands On Exercises

The only true way to learn TypeScript is by practicing with real world projects and exercises, which is why this courses includes multiple real world projects for you to practice writing TypeScript, converting JavaScript to TypeScript, and building large scale projects.

Direct Professional Help

I am incredibly active in the community and comments of this course which means I will be there to answer every question you have and help you if you get stuck.

BONUS: TypeScript With React

Not only will you learn how to write TypeScript in this course, but you will also learn how to connect TypeScript to React. This bonus includes 9 videos that span 2.5 hours. It also has 1 massive real world project that combines everything you learn.


BONUS: Expert Interviews

Get expert advice from the greatest TypeScript developers on how to build real world applications, work with advanced TypeScript, land a job, and so much more.


Table Of Contents


01 - What Is TypeScript + Course Introduction

  • 4 mins
  • 323 MB

02 - Why Use TypeScript

  • 6 mins
  • 220 MB

03 - How To Initialize A TypeScript Project

  • 5 mins
  • 226 MB

04 - Using A Bundler

  • 4 mins
  • 183 MB

05 - Understanding The TSConfig

  • 5 mins
  • 276 MB

Basic Types

06 - Assigning Types And Type Inference

  • 7 mins
  • 274 MB

07 - Array Type

  • 4 mins
  • 130 MB

08 - Any Type

  • 4 mins
  • 140 MB

09 - Object Basics

  • 4 mins
  • 162 MB

10 - Types Vs Interfaces

  • 6 mins
  • 260 MB

Function Types

11 - Defining Functions

  • 7 mins
  • 330 MB

12 - Void Type

  • 3 mins
  • 113 MB

13 - Optional Parameters

  • 2 mins
  • 80 MB

14 - Destructured And Rest Parameters

  • 6 mins
  • 297 MB

15 - Typing Variables As Functions

  • 4 mins
  • 176 MB

Type Modifiers

16 - Unions

  • 6 mins
  • 237 MB

17 - Intersections

  • 5 mins
  • 228 MB

18 - readonly

  • 3 mins
  • 115 MB

19 - keyof

  • 3 mins
  • 124 MB

20 - typeof

  • 4 mins
  • 156 MB

21 - Index Types

  • 10 mins
  • 450 MB

Advanced Types

22 - As Const And Enums

  • 7 mins
  • 245 MB

23 - Tuples

  • 3 mins
  • 104 MB

24 - Generics

  • 21 mins
  • 963 MB

25 - Async Functions

  • 3 mins
  • 109 MB

Built In Types

26 - Pick And Omit

  • 6 mins
  • 260 MB

27 - Partial And Required

  • 7 mins
  • 317 MB

28 - ReturnType And Parameters

  • 4 mins
  • 162 MB

29 - Record

  • 2 mins
  • 70.3 MB

30 - Readonly

  • 2 mins
  • 98.8 MB

31 - Awaited

  • 2 mins
  • 73.7 MB

Type Narrowing

32 - Basic Type Guards

  • 11 mins
  • 496 MB

33 - Never Type

  • 3 mins
  • 119 MB

34 - Unknown Type

  • 3 mins
  • 139 MB

35 - As Casting

  • 5 mins
  • 201 MB

36 - Satisfies

  • 4 mins
  • 181 MB

37 - Discriminated Union

  • 5 mins
  • 248 MB

38 - Function Overloads

  • 6 mins
  • 248 MB

39 - Type Predicate Function

  • 9 mins
  • 409 MB

Real World TypeScript

40 - Debugging

  • 11 mins
  • 523 MB

41 - Importing Types

  • 6 mins
  • 278 MB

42 - Declaration Files

  • 7 mins
  • 311 MB

43 - Todo List Project Introduction

  • 2 mins
  • 71.1 MB

44 - Todo List Project Walkthrough

  • 15 mins
  • 725 MB

45 - Migrate JS To TS Project Introduction

  • 4 mins
  • 160 MB

46 - Migrate JS To TS Project Walkthrough

  • 25 mins
  • 1.18 GB


47 - What's Next

  • 2 mins
  • 173 MB

BONUS: Typing React Code

01 - PropTypes

  • 12 mins
  • 440 MB

02 - TypeScript Setup And Props

  • 12 mins
  • 494 MB

03 - useState

  • 3 mins
  • 120 MB

04 - useRef

  • 5 mins
  • 172 MB

05 - useReducer

  • 4 mins
  • 166 MB

06 - useContext

  • 7 mins
  • 295 MB

07 - Generic Components

  • 5 mins
  • 189 MB

08 - Google Calendar Clone Introduction

  • 8 mins
  • 271 MB

09 - Google Calendar Clone Walkthrough

  • (1h 44m 42s)
  • 3.74 GB

BONUS - Expert Interviews

Coming Soon

Download Videos For Offline Access


  • 1.03 GB

Basic Types.zip

  • 775 MB

Function Types.zip

  • 824 MB

Type Modifiers.zip

  • 1.04 GB

Advanced Types.zip

  • 1.13 GB

Built In Types.zip

  • 810 MB

Type Narrowing - 1.zip

  • 777 MB

Type Narrowing - 2.zip

  • 895 MB

Real World TypeScript - 1.zip

  • 926 MB

Real World TypeScript - 2.zip

  • 638 MB

Real World TypeScript - 3.zip

  • 1.08 GB

Typing React Code - 1.zip

  • 849 MB

Typing React Code - 2.zip

  • 881 MB

Typing React Code - 3.zip

  • 2.85 GB


  • 157 MB

Use code EARLY for $10 off!

Start learning TypeScript now

Without the high price tag


TypeScript Simplified


  • 47 step by step video lessons
  • Exclusive access to private Discord community
  • Real world projects/exercises
  • Professional assistance
  • Before and after source code for all projects
  • Download all videos for offline access
  • All future updates
  • Lifetime access
  • BONUS: 2.5 extra hours of TypeScript with React videos
  • BONUS: Interviews with expert TypeScript developers


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TypeScript Simplified ❤️
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Harry Potter

Harry Potter

Hey Guys We are Tech Enthusiasts and we know knowledge is key to success ! We are here to open path to your success by providing what you want. Today education == business. Our moto is education should be accessible by any person who is not able to purchase overpriced content.

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