Ultimate Rust Best Practices - Ardanlabs
60 👀
Jack Sparrow

Jack Sparrow

Apr 07, 2024

Ultimate Rust Best Practices - Ardanlabs

Course Outline

Section 1: Tooling

1.0 - Introduction - Formatting
1.1 - Clippy (the linter)
1.2 - Documentation
1.3 - Understanding Dependencies
1.4 - Managing Your Own Dependencies
1.5 - Checking for Vulnerabilities
1.6 - Check for Outdated Dependencies
1.7 - Denying Dependencies by Licensing

Section 2 : Code Best Practices

2.0 - Favor Iterators
2.1 - Minimize Cloning (we have an alternative name as well Cloning Can Be a Code Smell)
2.2 - Don’t Emulate OOP
2.3 - Favor Small Functions
2.4 - Clever Code
2.5 - Floating Point Numbers
2.6 - Platform & Feature Specific Code

Section 3 : General Best Practices

3.0 - TANSTAAFL (There Ain’t No Such Thing As A Free Lunch)
3.1 - YAGNI : You Ain’t Gonna Need It
3.2 - Domain Boundaries
3.3 - Taming Compile Times

This course covers many best practices to help you with integrate Rust into your workflow, and let Rust’s tooling work for you. It includes formatting, linting, dependencies, vulnerabilities, code style and general development advice.

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Jack Sparrow

Jack Sparrow

Hey Guys We are Tech Enthusiasts and we know knowledge is key to success ! We are here to open path to your success by providing what you want. Today education == business. Our moto is education should be accessible by any person who is not able to purchase overpriced content.

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