Web Development with Go ( useGolang 2023 )
48 👀
Harry Potter

Harry Potter

Mar 17, 2023

Web Development with Go ( useGolang 2023 )

Figure out how to construct genuine, production-grade web applications without any preparation.

👉 No insignificant Task applications that scarcely contact the complexity of a genuine application.

👉 No structures that conceal every one of the subtleties.

In this course we construct and send a photo sharing application complete with clients, authentication, image uploads, a database, and that's just the beginning. We even send to a production server and set up programmed HTTPS.


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"All you want is the standard library"

- Everybody ON R/GOLANG

I can't see you the times I heard this while figuring out how to construct my most memorable web application in Go. Sooner or later, it began to torment me. It isn't so much that this guidance is erroneous; it simply isn't that useful without help from anyone else.

It seemed like somebody was telling me, "You can construct a house, all you want is a hardware store!" And I continued to hear it again and again.


While this guidance is generally obvious - you totally can construct a web application in Go utilizing only the standard library - it wasn't useful. It didn't draw me any nearer to building a genuine application. I was still left with questions like:

↠ How might I impart a database association with my http controllers while not making it a global variable?

↠ How might I securely hash a client's password and fabricate an authentication framework?

↠ How could I arrange my code? MVC? Domain Driven Design? Hexagonal? Something different?

↠ And REST? How does that squeeze into this all?

What I truly required was direction. Somebody to show me the right method for building a web application so I didn't squander endless hours sorting it out myself.


Web Applications are Intricate Frameworks


Regardless of the number of tutorials I that read, I generally felt like there was a forgotten about thing. Some piece of the master plan that wasn't made sense of, leaving me uncertain of how to continue. Or on the other hand the instructional exercise was distorted to the point that it felt futile at the end of the day.

Subsequent to building a few Task applications I almost surrendered. My advancement was agonizing, and each time I sort out one significant issue I would be left with two new inquiries that weren't tended to by the misrepresented tutorials.

Eventually, I was fortunate. I ended up having a set of experiences building web applications utilizing other programming dialects, and with that information I had the option to sort things out. It wasn't speedy or simple, however everything gradually began to seem OK.

Imagine a scenario where you didn't need to battle through many tutorials.

Consider the possibility that you didn't need to go through the agonizing system I did to figure out how to assemble web administrations in Go. Consider the possibility that you could skip perusing many tutorials all showing generally exactly the same thing just to receive one new goody of data in return. You would at last be prepared to assemble that application you have been thinking about, or go after that position you had your eye on.

Web Development with Go will assist you with slicing through all the complexity lastly become the developer you realize you ought to be.

"Web development with Go totally saved me from abandoning Go. Prior to finding this course I continued to hit a large number of barriers. I can't perceive you how energized I was the point at which I understood exactly the way that receptive and useful this course is. I went from attempting to get even the most essential errands finished to really working out my own application thought. I can hardly hold back to deliver it!"

Web Development with Go is the course I wish I had

This course takes all that I have learned over long periods of building web applications and distils it into simple to consume examples. Toward the finish of the course you will construct a total web application, convey it to a production server, and comprehend the reason why you made each stride en route. You will likewise...


↠ Know precisely how to instate your database association and offer it without turning to global variables or other hard to test enemies of examples.

↠ Feel certain saying, "OK, my authentication framework is free from even a hint of harm!"

↠ Comprehend how to arrange your code, and how to gauge the compromises of different code structures.

↠ Have clear instances of how to email clients and construct a total "Forgot your password?" work process.

↠ Thus substantially more!

This is conceivable in light of the fact that this isn't your average course. It is a far reaching breakdown of every single detail you really want to know while building and sending a genuine web application.

Web Development with Go ranges almost 40 hours of screencasts, and the ebook is around 700 pages. Indeed, even subsequent to finishing the tasks, you will reference the material into the indefinite future.

Include me!

Jon works really hard of taking the huge undertaking of making a web application and separates it into steps that are straightforward and track. To figure out how web development functions at its very center I can't suggest it enough.

Liam Randall

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WATCH 14 SCREENCASTS Free of charge!

Interested in looking at an example of the course to check whether it is ideal for you? Don't worry about it! Join to my mailing list beneath and I'll send over a course see that incorporates 14 screencasts.


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What You Will Develop

Also, Convey!

All through the course you will construct LensLocked, a photo sharing application. Clients can join, make displays, and transfer photos to make an exhibition. After a display is finished it tends to be distributed, making it freely accessibly to anybody with the URL.

While building the application we will find out about transferring images, cooperating with a PostgreSQL database, restricting access to resources you have consent to alter, and in the event that you buy one of the bundles with bonus material we will likewise take a gander at how to coordinate with a third party Programming interface like Dropbox utilizing OAuth.

I adored the Web Development with Go course. Brilliant content and very top notch. An extraordinary chance to take advantage of the information on an accomplished developer and incredible instructor.


Robin Brandt

Straightforward Pricing with Lifetime Access.

Confided in BY North of 4000 DEVELOPERS

Complete Bundle

The total bundle incorporates all that you really want to learn web development with Go. North of 180 screencasts spreading over almost 40 hours, composed adaptations of each and every illustration, all the bonus content, access to the Web Development with Go Slack, source code, and FREE updates forever!

WHAT'S Provided

  • 180+ Screencasts (recorded underneath 👇)
  • multi Day Development Guide
  • 700+ Page Ebook
  • Course Slack Access
  • Source Code
  • FREE Updates
  • Bonus Content: High level Programming interface utilization with OAuth and Dropbox
  • Unconditional promise

Here are some relevant links related to "Web Development with Go" course:

  1. "Web Development with Go" course website: https://www.usegolang.com/
  2. Free 14 screencasts preview of the course: https://www.usegolang.com/samples/
  3. Testimonials from developers who completed the course: https://www.usegolang.com/testimonials/
  4. Source code for the LensLocked photo sharing application built in the course: https://github.com/joncalhoun/lenslocked
  5. The official Go programming language website: https://golang.org/

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Harry Potter

Harry Potter

Hey Guys We are Tech Enthusiasts and we know knowledge is key to success ! We are here to open path to your success by providing what you want. Today education == business. Our moto is education should be accessible by any person who is not able to purchase overpriced content.

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