Web Security & Bug Bounty: Learn Penetration Testing in 2022
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Harry Potter

Harry Potter

Dec 11, 2022

Web Security & Bug Bounty: Learn Penetration Testing in 2022

Begin a profession or procure a side pay by turning into a Bug Bounty Hunter. No past experience required, we show you all that without any preparation. H4ck websites, fix vulnerabilities, further develop web security, and significantly more. You'll learn penetration testing all along and ace the most present day pentesting tools and best practices for 2022!

Course outline

We promise you that this is the most far reaching and exceptional Penetration Testing course that you can find to go from outright novice to turning into a Web Security Master and getting compensated as a Bug Bounty Hunter. You will learn and dominate the most present day bug bounty and pentesting tools and best practices for 2022!


  1.  Learn Penetration Testing without any preparation to turn into a Bug Bounty Hunter and Web Security Master
  2.  Find, exploit, and relieve a wide range of web vulnerabilities. Secure any of your future applications utilizing best practices
  3.  The most effective method to bring in cash from bug bounty hunting and make a profession of it
  4.  Learn how to h4ck and attack frameworks with known vulnerabilities
  5.  Website Identification and Data Get-together
  6.  Bug Hunter and the Burpsuite Instrument
  7.  HTML Injections
  8.  Order Injection/Execution
  9.  Broken Authentication, Broken Access Control
  10.  Bruteforce Attacks
  11.  SQL Injection, XML, XPath Injection, XXE
  12.  Logging and Checking best practices
  13.  Web Basics, Systems administration Essentials, Linux Terminal Essentials

This course is centered around learning by doing, not watching vast tutorials with nothing to show for it. You will learn how penetration testing functions by really rehearsing the strategies and techniques involved by Bug Bounty Hunters in 2022.

Also, you'll learn following some great people's example.

By enlisting today, you'll likewise get to join our restrictive live internet based local area homeroom to learn close by large number of understudies, graduated class, guides, TAs and Educators.

In particular, you will gain from industry specialists (Aleksa and Andrei) that have genuine real-world experience chipping away at security for enormous organizations and websites/applications with a huge number of guests.

Regardless of what you're foundation, past experience or your present place of employment, we make this course agreeable for you by giving two ways.

1 Don't have the foggiest idea how to code yet?

No issue by any means. We've included three extra segments to raise you to an acceptable level so you can begin pentesting quickly by any stretch of the imagination.

2. Definitely know how to code?

Amazing. You will get going immediately by making your own virtual h4cking lab to ensure we protect your PC all through the course and get our PCs appropriately set up for penetrations testing.

This is the very thing that the course will cover to take you from Zero to Web Security Mastery

We promise you this is the most complete, present day, and exceptional internet based course on bug bounty hunting, penetration testing, and web security.

Not at all like numerous different tutorials you'll fine on the web, we won't burn through your time showing you obsolete methods and subjects.

  1. Introduction To Bug Bounty:

In this part, we reply "What is a Bug Bounty?" and "What is Penetration Testing?". We'll likewise investigate the profession way of a Pen Analyzer.

  1. Our Virtual Lab Setup:

Make your virtual lab that we will use all through the course (Kali Linux machine). Introduce a weak virtual machine ("VM") called OWASPBWA that we will attack. Make a record on the TryH4ckMe Cyber Security preparing stage.

With pretty much every weakness, we will cover a model on TryH4ckMe and furthermore on our weak VM.

  1. Website Enumeration & Information Gathering:

This is where we start with the down to earth Bug Bounty/Website Penetration Testing. We cover various strategies and tools that permit us to accumulate as much data about a specific website.

For this, we utilize various tools like Dirb, Nikto, Nmap.

We likewise use google h4cking which is a valuable expertise to have once tools are not available.

  1. Introduction To Burpsuite:

This is a vital device for a Bug Hunter. Basically every Bug Hunter out there is familiar with this instrument (and most likely purposes it). It has various highlights that make chasing after bugs more straightforward. A portion of those elements are slithering the webpage, intercepting and changing HTTP demands, savage power attacks and that's only the tip of the iceberg.

  1. HTML Injection:

This is our most memorable bug. It's likewise one of the most straightforward so we start with it. HTML injection is basically finding a weak contribution on the webpage that permits HTML code to be infused. That code is subsequently delivered out on the page as real HTML.

  1. Command Injection/Execution:

Our most memorable risky bug. Infusing orders is conceivable when the server runs our contribution through its framework unfiltered. This could be something like a webpage that permits us to ping different websites yet doesn't check whether we inputted an alternate order other than the IP address that it needs.

This permits us to run orders on the framework, compromise the framework through a converse shell and compromise accounts on that framework (and every one of the information).

  1. Broken Authentication:

This is another weakness that happens on websites. It basically alludes to shortcoming in 2 regions meeting the board and certification the executives. It permits the attacker to imitate real clients on the web. We show various models through treat values, HTTP demands, Failed to remember secret key page and so forth.

  1. Bruteforce Attacks:

This can be an issue regardless of whether the website is secure. On the off chance that the client has a simple and basic secret key set, it will likewise be not difficult to figure. We cover various tools used to send loads of passwords on the webpage to break into a record.

  1. Sensitive Data Exposure:

This isn't a weakness in the framework. Rather it's when engineers neglect to eliminate significant data during creation that can be utilized to play out an attack. We cover a model where an engineer neglects to eliminate the whole data set from being accessible to ordinary clients.

  1. Broken Access Control:

Access control implements strategy with the end goal that clients can't act beyond their expected authorizations. Disappointments normally lead to unapproved data divulgence, change or obliteration, everything being equal, or playing out a business capability beyond the constraints of the client.

Here we cover a weakness called Unreliable direct item reference. A straightforward model would be an application that has client IDs in the URL. In the event that it doesn't as expected store and deal with those IDs an attacker might actually change the ID and access the data of another client.

  1. Security Misconfiguration:

We've added this as a different segment. Notwithstanding, every one of the past vulnerabilities additionally have a place with it. Here we show an illustration of a weakness where the administrators of websites haven't changed the default certifications for a specific application that sudden spikes in demand for their server.

  1. Cross Site Scripting - XSS:

This is a major weakness and is exceptionally normal in numerous websites out there. This weakness permits us to execute JavaScript code on the webpage.

This is because of client input not being all around sifted and handling the contribution as javascript code. There are 3 primary kinds of XSS which are Put away, Reflected and DOM based XSS. We cover these 3 or more a few surprising ones.

  1. SQL Injection:

One more large weakness out there and a really perilous one. Numerous websites speak with the Data set, whether it being a data set that stores item data or client data.

Assuming the correspondence between the client and the data set isn't sifted and checked, it could permit the attacker to send a SQL question and speak with the information base itself, permitting them to separate the whole data set or even erase it.

There are two or three kinds of SQL injection, for example, Mistake based or Blind SQL injection.

  1. XML, XPath Injection, XXE:

XXE or XML Outside Element is a weakness that permits an attacker to disrupt a website that processes XML information. It could permit the attacker to run a converse shell or read documents on the objective framework making it another extreme weakness.

  1. Components With Known Vulnerabilities:

Regardless of whether the website probably won't be defenseless, the server may be running a few different parts/applications that have a known weakness that hasn't been fixed at this point. This could permit us to perform different kinds of attacks relying upon what that weakness is.

  1. Insufficient Logging And Monitoring:

Logging and observing ought to continuously be finished from a security point of view. Logging permits us to monitor every one of the solicitations and data that goes through our application.

This can assist us with deciding if a specific attack is occurring. Or on the other hand, assuming the attack previously occurred, it permits us to look at it somewhat more profound, see which attack it was, and afterward apply that information to change the application so a similar attack doesn't reoccur.

  1. Monetizing Bug Bounty Hunting:

Subsequent to rehearsing and covering every one of the vulnerabilities, we'll show you how you can bring in cash from your new information and abilities.

We give you various stages that can be utilized to begin your profession as a Bug Hunter and utilize one stage as an illustration to show how a bug bounty program functions and what to focus on while applying.

  1. Bonus - Web Developer Fundamentals:

This part is for anybody that doesn't have fundamental information in Web Advancement or doesn't know precisely the way in which websites work and are organized.

  1. Bonus - Linux Terminal:

This segment is for anybody that doesn't have fundamental information on utilizing the Linux Terminal. This is significant as we will utilize it all through the course.

  1. Bonus - Networking:

Essentials of systems administration and a fundamental terms to be aware as Penetration Analyzers and Bug Bounty hunters.

What's the bottom line?

This course isn't tied in with making you simply code along without understanding the standards so that when you are finished with the course you don't have the foggiest idea what to do other than watch another instructional exercise... No!

This course will push you and challenge you to go further

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Harry Potter

Harry Potter

Hey Guys We are Tech Enthusiasts and we know knowledge is key to success ! We are here to open path to your success by providing what you want. Today education == business. Our moto is education should be accessible by any person who is not able to purchase overpriced content.

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