Write Clean Code ( Academind )
22 👀
Harry Potter

Harry Potter

Nov 30, 2022

Write Clean Code ( Academind )

Figure out how to write readable, understandable and in this way viable code - bit by bit, in an example-driven way

What you'll Learn

  • Figure out how to write code which is readable and understandable
  • Keep code alive by expanding practicality with clean code
  • Find out about key principles, rules and ideas that permit you to write clean code
  • Learn with involved examples and "terrible to great code" transformations


Essential programming information (regardless of which language) is required

NO related knowledge on the topic of clean code is required

You DON'T have to know a particular programming language or worldview


As a designer, you ought to have the option to write code which works - of course!

Sadly, a ton of designers write terrible code regardless - despite the fact that the code works. Since "working code" isn't equivalent to "clean code"!

This course shows you how to write clean code - code which is not difficult to peruse and understand by people, not simply PCs!

In this course, you'll realize what precisely clean code is and, all the more significantly, how you can write clean code. Since, in such a case that your code is written in a clean manner, it's more straightforward to peruse and understand and thusly simpler to keep up with.

Since NOT simply the PC needs to understand your code - your partners and your future self should have the option to understand it too!

In this course, we'll jump into all the fundamental "trouble spots" connected with clean code (or terrible code - contingent upon your perspective) and you won't simply realize what makes up awful code obviously additionally how to transform it into clean code.

In particular, you will learn out about:

  • Naming "things" (variables, properties, classes, functions, ...) appropriately and in a clean way
  • Normal traps and mistakes you ought to keep away from while naming things
  • Remarks and that the vast majority of them are awful
  • Great remarks you should seriously think about adding to your code
  • Code organizing - both even and vertical arranging
  • Functions and how to restrict the quantity of capability boundaries
  • The most effective method to write clean functions by zeroing in on "a certain something"
  • How levels of deliberation assist you with dividing functions and keep them little
  • Instructions to write DRY functions and keep away from unforeseen aftereffects
  • Keeping away from profoundly settled control structures with watches and by removing functionality into functions
  • Errors and error taking care of as a trade for if-proclamations
  • Objects and information compartments/information designs and why that separation could matter
  • Attachment and how to write great (little!) classes
  • The Law of Demeter and why it makes a difference for clean code
  • What the Strong principles are and why they matter with regards to composing clean code
  • Significantly more!

This course is a gathering of normal examples, best practices, principles and rules connected with composing clean code.

In this course, you'll find out about an expansive assortment of ideas, rules, thoughts, contemplations and principles and toward the finish of course, you'll have a smart thought of what to remember with regards to composing clean code.

This isn't a plan examples or general examples course however - we will completely zero in on examples, rules and ideas that assistance with composing clean code explicitly.

This multitude of ideas and rules are upheld by examples, code bits and demos. Furthermore, to guarantee that you capitalize on this course, and you don't simply get familiar with a lot of hypothesis which you forget before long, there likewise are a lot of difficulties for you to apply what you realized!

This course utilizes Python, JavaScript and TypeScript for code examples yet you don't have to know these dialects to track and get a ton out of the course. Moreover, the course doesn't zero in on a particular programming style or worldview (like practical programming, object-oriented programming and so forth) however rather covers general ideas and strategies which will continuously apply.

What are the course requirements?

  1. Essential programming information (regardless of which language) is required!
  2. You don't have to know a particular programming language or programming worldview to track
  3. NO related knowledge with composing clean code is required

Who this course is for:

  • Designers who need to guarantee that their code doesn't simply work however it additionally simple to peruse, understand and keep up with
  • Each and every individual who doesn't mess around with advancement and composing genuine code

Featured Review

Jozef P.

  • 41 courses
  • 22 audits
  • Rating: 5.0 out of 5a year prior

Decent programming principles fundamental outline. Max is in every case extremely clear with clarifications and it's substantial additionally for this course. You don't arrive one complete venture eventually yet it's exhibition of specific principles on code scraps. Cool Max, thanks! :)



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Harry Potter

Harry Potter

Hey Guys We are Tech Enthusiasts and we know knowledge is key to success ! We are here to open path to your success by providing what you want. Today education == business. Our moto is education should be accessible by any person who is not able to purchase overpriced content.

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